A Pinkbacked Pelican (Pelecanus rufescens) sporting a fly hairdo on a hot summer day in Odense Zoo
Month: October 2022
That Mood..
That Mood..
Crane in Flight
We’ve had a large amount of Cranes in Lille Vildmose this year. They are regular guest, but this year I actually spotted close to 50 in one spot. It is an impressive sight to see a flock of these giant birds flight fly close above you.
Cabin in the Mountains
I spent part of my summer in Norway. Even though it is “just next” to Denmark where I live, I am always surprised how beautiful Norway is. Blue skies (sometimes), Green forests, grey mountains and snow even in the summer, at least on the mountain tops.
Everything seems so calm and quiet and if that wasn’t enough, the Norwegians are such nice people.
Ice Queen
One of the beautiful butterfly costumes worn by the members of the german group Steltzen-Art, at Aalborg Carnival 2022.