A Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is climbing out of the reeds on the edge of the bog. It had just catched and eaten a Water Vole (Arvicola amphibius) and seemed to stop for a moment to enjoy the morning sun.
I took this picture back in 2019 at Aalborg Carnival. I loved the sinister look of this guy dressed up as a snowman. It was raining and I think he wasn’t really too pleased with that. Anyways.. the picture ended up in my backlog of “maybe some day…” pictures. I found it again recently and gave it another go. After all, both Lightroom and my skills in Lightroom have improved since then, and I ended up with a picture that looked pretty much like I had intended originally.
A detail from one of the many Tall ships attending Tall Ship Race 2022 in Aalborg Denmark. Unfortunately I forgot which, so I you know please leave a comment.